The New Malaysia

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Number One Purpose of A Resume

Hey's the time!You've now graduated the torturous years of University,and it's time to enter the Rat Race!The first step to the working world is writing your winning resume that will ensure your first great job!It's huge difference between a great resume and a resume that barely passes the passing mark.Show that you're worth every penny they may be offering to pay you,all that to be said(subtlety is the key,so don't be so obvious that you deserve XXXX amount) by the way your resume present itself.

I know you're starting to gather information from your friends,on how long should your resume be,or what rules you should abide to.Don't worry,don't fret.It doesn't have to be one page or follow a specific resume format.Every resume is one of-a-kind marketing communication,and it always differs according to ur job requirement and situation, and depends what you want it to do.

The Good News

  • Good new is,making your resume stand out marks you as a superior candidate for the job.
  • Stir up interest,and a well written resume will succumb all fierce competition.
  • A well writting resume ensures that you'll get more calls for an interview more often than not.
And The Bad is..
  • Bad news is that your resume may be out-dated,so laways update uour resume!
  • There may be hundreds or maybe thousands of applicants, and you resume may be missed or simply browsed through without reading.

The Number One Purpose of A Resume
  1. The main purpose of resume?Not to get the job,but to win an interview!Once they see you,their doubts may disappear.
  2. It's an advertisement, to promote yourself!!
  3. It doesn't just tell them what you've done,but make you a whole,complete package.
  4. Present you in the best light.
  5. Convinces the employer that you have what it takes to be successful in this position.
  6. Stimulates interest in meeting you and learning more about you.
Other Possible Reasons To Have A Resume
  • To pass the employer's screening process,like qualifications and experiences
  • Provide contact information
  • to establish you as a proffesional with high standarts and excellent writting skills
  • to give potential employers your contact for their reference or database
  • is another form of a 'business card'

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